My Tribute to Women's Day: Why I LOVE Women ❤️️


My Tribute to Women's Day: Why I LOVE Women ❤️️


The International Women's Day is coming around this year and I believe there can be no better time to show my gratitude and love for women than on the 8th of March.

So here I start with a little backstory first and then showing my love and appreciation to all the good and nice ladies.

My Tribute to Women's Day: Why I LOVE Women ❤️️

First things first - a little backstory: I admit, I did not get to interact with women much in real life. In fact most interactions with women I had were online (yes, it's on girlsaskguys. It's the reason why I'm here in the first place). Ever since I started elementary school and throughout college I was and sort of still am the unpopular boy, whom girls would ignore at best, run screamingly away at worst (but of course most of them were not like that. I see some different girls now). But nevertheless there were actually some women both online and in real life (but more so online), who were kind to me and helped me becoming the man that I am today.

Even if I have had 0 success with women, I still love women. For some reason only some of the mature or older women were platonically liking me (Teachers, grandmas on pensions, my now landlord, who is also a lady on her pension...). Young girls barely liked me.

Anyway enough of my backstory. Here is why I love women:

My Tribute to Women's Day: Why I LOVE Women ❤️️

Women are so nice, soft, sweet, cute, attractive, cuddly, nurturing, beautiful, sexy, pleasant to have, sometimes silly or crazy (which is not always a bad thing), caring, loving, concerned about us, more affectionate, sometimes a bit obsessive, kind and many, many, many other things like sugar and spice and everything nice, that go so great with them. 😍😍😍

When there was a time where I considered myself a MGTOW only to find out later what the average are up to, I felt blinded after once what their average practices are like (aka red pill rage, which sometimes doesn't seem to wear off, MGTOW101...), a few women helped me in getting back to be normal. 👩🤗

When I was in emotional distress or felt remorse for disliking women for so long, a few women were volunteering an ear for me (or an eye for online chats) to endure my private rantings and then told me things like "It's okay! We all are going through the same thing."😶😌. Some women sided with me on some occasions, some of which may have seemed controversial or rather unpopular. 😎😏

Some funny women have managed to make me laugh like really hard - even behind the screen. They have this kind of sense of humor, that wasn't so common among them and sometimes regular women would have found it to be rather offensive but still is why I love women: Some of them share our humor 😝

Some women have really good wisdom, that you would never have thought of before. When I asked questions or ranted I was given the needed wisdom and advises from the wise ladies with luhv. I always LOVE intellectual battles or philosophy with the wise ones - men or women. The way they put the correct words in the correct order makes you just say WOAH!!! or Damn! How did I not think of it?


I really do admire women for being ambitious a lot for being part of the workforce. Women became independent, make their own money and get what they please. As a result they *gasp* do not need a man to support them financially 💕 Fun fact: If all women were to give up their labor, our society would experience a serious collapse. Because women are running in the workforce with us. ⚒♥

When I was bitter at women for seeing what I thought I saw, which is that most if not all women were gold diggers, women kept stubbornly and tirelessly repeating to me, that not all of them are after our money or are cash hungry gold diggers and told me, that they had rich guys being interested in them but they still declined for some reason. Some of them even reported to be fallen for male gold diggers. I remember one lady (IRL) told me when I asked her "How can I show a woman, that I like her? With money?" -> "No! Money is not romantic or emotional!". 😐

Some women do not subscribe to "gender roles" and see right through the BS, that we call double standards. Those women rise above and do their thing! How adorable 💖

I remember lots of smiles, that women have given to me. I cannot deny these thoughts but I do like seeing women smiling at me. 😃😀

Some women are concerned about us, whether it is because we are drunk, hurt, endangered or otherwise about to get into unpleasant experiences. You will see it when you see her reaching out to you and to somehow either help you or preserve you. And when she does, then you know, that she cares about you 💓

Women make my heart pound! 💓♥💓♥💓♥

Women set off some reactions in my body, that I can hardly describe but I feel so good when it happens and I really like it.

Women's beauty and bodies are just so eye-catching and eye candy. Like our Pupillae are literally magnetically gravitating towards women.

HUGS!!! 🤗🤗🤗 Women are really nice to cuddle with. I love oxytocin, which then releases serotonin 😍😍😍 With cuddling women I can feel those hormones being released!

And their soft, high-pitched but soothing voices 😍 If done right, women can literally sing me to sleep 😴

Don't underestimate when women go crazy for you. They can go crazy at you because they feel like it but hey, it is what makes them women. And women are emotional creatures. Hope it's something good, that they intend to go crazy at you (like a tickle frenzy or squishing you or being that super confident lady, who will fiercely get what she wants: YOU - here and now!). I love this.

Last but not least: Show us some love too ladies ;) Come on, don't be shy or reluctant. We don't all bite or are untamed. There is really nothing wrong with showing us some ❤️️. It doesn't make you too easy or desperate. It makes you what you are and you are a WOMAN! We men too want to feel and be loved by our lovely and favorite ladies (and most importantly our significant other). Here's just one example.

And another example here.

And here is another one.

I personally really loved this one :) ☺ 💕❤️️

More can be found here and here and especially here too.

For me women are the night to our day. Our favorite tulips in our garden. Our warm and exciting Spring & Summer while we are the refreshing and cool Autumn & Winter. Our sunshine at day and stars at night. The other side of the yin-yang.

So yeah. Like I said:

I love women!

My Tribute to Women's Day: Why I LOVE Women ❤️️

I thank all the nice and good women in my life, who have helped or supported me, did some favors for me or just have been there for me. Big or small, long term or short term, online or in reality. I will always love the women for that. Always ♥

Thanks for reading!

My Tribute to Women's Day: Why I LOVE Women ❤️️
My Tribute to Women's Day: Why I LOVE Women ❤️️
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