I think my wife loves her phone more than me?

My wife is always on her phone. Before she goes to bed, when in the passenger seat in the car, while the tv is on and even she is not her phone she is on Facebook. I call it being nosy and becuase i dont have a Facebook account and dont have time for it. Instead of getting the sleep she claims she needs she would rather be on her phone while in bed. I have even banned phones in the bed but somehow they made their way back in. She gets texts throughout the day and i dont go checking to see who she talks to and if she is not looking at the phone she is talking on the phone im opposite becuase i dont like talking on the phone for more than 30 secs. Any tips to get her off the ohone so much. I have tired to have a conversation with her and that last for a few secs before she is back on or receiving a text
Should I be mad?
Should I shrug it off?
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I think my wife loves her phone more than me?
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