Why are girls such bitches? Seriously?

I have a problem with girls. Not all but most are bitches. I get dirty looks by most girls, I have had them just be mean to me by making me seem like someone I'm not. They just have attitudes and I try to be nice. Or they just leave me out of everything. I try and remain friendly with people at work and the girls are snobby. They leave me out of conversations.
Examples: I went out with my cousin and her friend who are also my manager. We went to the bar and they were ignoring me. Guys were just trying to talk to me. I kind of pushed it off because I didn't really like any of them.
We also went to target once and they did the same thing. Trying to walk in front of me. Giving me these body signals like they don't want to talk to me. I just don't understand why girls are so mean. I had an ex friend who would always call me a whore and other names ONLY in front of men. Then I just have random girls starting stuff with me and when I stand up for myself they keep their mouth shut. All of this actually makes me depressed on how cruel girls are. These girls are 18-30 years old in general.

The thing is if I only talk to guys all the time I'm going to look like a whore. Let's face it. People judge. But it seems like it's only the men that don't make me cry
Why are girls such bitches? Seriously?
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