When talking to someone, how much do you talk about yourself VS how much they talk about themselves?

If you thought that talking about music a lot was a bad habit of mine 😂 ... yea apparently I love to talk about myself. Like i’ll let you have the floor BUT when you ask me something about myself 🙃 you won't be getting the mic back for a while. I know i talk too much and i have a hard time stopping myself. Occasionally i’ll ask something about you in return but its probably just me using it as a breather or a reason to talk about how i relate to whatever I asked you about. I know... i’m bad lol. But at the same time i want to date someone who can also hold a convo. HOWEVER i need for them to be a tad bit more of a listener than a talker so that we balance eachother out without annoying one another :) i mean i’ve dated talkers before and lordy we were fighting for the floor. We kept cutting eachother off and it was pissing me off. I would purposely dodge one friends call cause he talked too much 😂 I felt claustrophobic af cause he’d never let me get a word in and he’d yap for like 2 hours straight. I’d mute the phone and cuss and cry 🤣 One of my friends told ne that i was only allowed to call her if i didn't talk about myself for that whole convo... yea we didn't say friends much longer after. But hey its her fault for always saying “I have nothing to talk about, tell me about your day” (hehe greenlight!). Me writing this is just a summary Of how much i talk haha. Anyways, what about you?
#FeelFreeToList #CallingAllTalkers #ListenAndBeTalkedToDeath #ChatterboxBabies
I admit I talk about myself a lot
I prefer to learn more about them
We mostly take turns
I’m antisocial for a reason
*Finds nearest cliff*
I rather talk to animals since they dont talk back
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When talking to someone, how much do you talk about yourself VS how much they talk about themselves?
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