Have you had the "dentist test"?

OlderAndWiser u
Have you had the dentist test?

This question has been inspired by @worldscolide, who asked

5 Tests That Women Use On Men, That Men Should Stop Tolerating While Dating.

about "tests" that women use on men to assess their worthiness for a relationship. There is one variation of those tests that particularly bothers me, and it is the "dentist" test.

Him. What's wrong?

Her. Nothing.

Him. Looks like something's bothering you.

Her. No, it's nothing.

She becomes sullen and withdrawn. Later:

Her. Don't you care?

Him. About what?

Her. About what's bothering me.

Him. Yeah, I care, but you didn't want to talk about it.

Her. That's just because you didn't seem to care very much.

He was supposed to drag it out of her, like a dentist pulling a tooth. His job was to "make" her talk - to prove how much he cares - and his failure to participate in this shenanigan proves that he doesn't care. Of course it doesn't mean that she is a lousy communicator, because he should have been aware of the challenge and risen to the occasion.

Have you ever had a partner try to play this game with you? How did you react?

Have you had the "dentist test"?
21 Opinion