What to say to end a quasi-relationship? (Ladies please)

We used to date seriously, about a year, before I moved away. The long distance got to her and she ended it by "needing a break". She left it open saying that would like to see how things were when she moved to the same town I was in. She reached out to me several times during the summer. She moved here to my city a couple months for law school and she asked to get together on her second day here. It has been two weeks since and besides me asking on a couple occasions to see if she wanted to get together (we are only separated by 10 blocks). She would say no and have some reason why. She wouldn't offer another time to get together an indicator that tells me that she really doesn't care about getting together or about us.

How do I approach her about ending this? I am not satisfied with this? Do I call or text saying this isn't working out and to call me when you have time to talk or come by the apartment to discuss at length? Everyone here has provided great feedback about what she was thinking about dragging me along during the summer (i.e. her being lonely, etc).

It is time for me to show some self-respect and confidence by confronting this person who has obviously taken advantage of the situation for their personal needs. Sadly I think she will see me in a better light as I actually stand up to her, as I was guilty of being the nice guy.

All advice is welcome! Thanks!
What to say to end a quasi-relationship? (Ladies please)
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