What's your opinion about this whole situation with Roald Dahl's books changes?


British book publisher Puffin Book was to release a new edition of Roald Dahl's books with changes "to make these books more inclusive". Notable changes included removing a lot of words like "fat" "ugly" "black" or "ladies and gentlemen".

In "The Witches" the beginning was also changed - it originally explained that real witches look very much like ordinary women and work in ordinary jobs, like “working as a cashier in a supermarket or typing letters for a businessman or driving around in a fancy car”. The part about "cashier" was changed to "“top scientist or running a business”

After a public backlash, with even prime minister Rishi Sunak criticising the changes, publisher decided to print the new edition of books without the changes.

Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-64759118

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