Females On Social Media Are Trash

Females On Social Media Are Trash


I’m not talking about all females. And not just any female with a social media account. I’m talking about all those ‘icons’ out there on Instagram, TikTok, OnlyFans, etc. They. Are. Trash.

Let’s just be completely blunt and real here: most women on social media are really not interesting and don’t stand out in any particularly new ways. They’re simply physically attractive. Or want to be. And that’s all they really want at the end of the day. I’m not going to sit here and say I don’t Like or follow some of these women, cuz I do, and a man does enjoy some eye candy on occasion. But that’s really as far as it goes for me. I follow an extremely select few of these types of women, and when I do I go for the ones who are more natural looking with their styles and don’t wear a lot of makeup. And unlike most guys I practically never message any of them, only once in an enormous blue moon.

They are disgusting

But breaking it down, I have no further interest in them than to check out a few of their photos now and then. Why? Because they don’t offer anything more than that, and don’t want to. They obviously do not have many skills, significant talents, or good sense of self to spend their time only posting selfies and hoping guys will honor their gift lists or subscribe to their OnlyFans. What kind of life is that? They’re just desperate for money and attention. Hell, I would never even date these chicks, and they are most definitely NOT relationship material. I don’t really care that you post a selfie of you eating at an expensive restaurant, drinking a bubble tea, or posing on a highrise.

Females On Social Media Are Trash

The thing I really can’t understand is how so many guys find these females sexy because they honestly look gross and ghetto. And I’m not even talking about the black ones either. Their eagle talon nails are unattractive and I wonder how in the hell they even wipe their ass with them, and I sorely dislike their ridiculous-looking caterpillar eyebrows and bitch face poses. And I can't stand that look of wearing a baseball cap on top of long hair, and the ghetto twerking and ass shaking in their messy room. For me there is no interest in them as a person whatsoever.

They try to make themselves appear more important than they really are

Which may be the worst part about these social media divas, and is a major indication that they are self-absorbed and are likely very insecure. They are nowhere near being an actual “influencer” with any substance - though they are influencing people, mainly young women, and not in a good way. And putting ‘Public figure’, 'digital creator,' or ‘blogger’ on your page as your title is a cheesy way of basically saying you don’t have a real title or true importance, just that you post billions of selfies and goofy dance videos with face filters, and are doing OnlyFans on the side.

Another cheesy trick these girls will do - if you didn’t notice - is unfollow a lot of people so that they look more noticed or important than they really are. I’ve had a few girls on Instagram follow me from time to time out of nowhere, who I didn’t follow back because I either thought they were some kind of spam account or because they really weren’t appealing to me. But if you pay attention and let them follow you for a while you will see on their page that they have a lot of followers but are also following a lot of people.

Females On Social Media Are Trash

Normal for most Instagrammers, right? Well, after awhile when that girl starts gaining more followers, if you keep paying attention you’ll see that at some point she will suddenly unfollow or remove a ton of people so that the amount of her followers heavily outweighs who she follows, because she wants to appear as if she’s more important or more noticed than she really is, and wants to appear as if she doesn’t pay attention to most people and that they just happen to be interested in her and her page. I have seen this with more than one girl on social media and it’s a really cheap trick. So don’t be fooled if one of them suddenly adds you out of the blue, and if you’re a guy she’s hoping you’ll be flattered enough by it to want to follow her back to give her more numbers, and then later on you will be unfollowed but stay following her so that it makes her look good.

Sad, single, and sappy

Ya know how relationship coaches and other folks try to tell guys not to be needy and clingy on social media, and not to post stuff that makes them look sad, pathetic, or like they have no life or interests? Well, I don’t know if it’s the same for guys vice versa, but I really can’t stand all the chicks on social media who are always posting a bunch of sad, pathetic stuff about their depression - and I understand if you struggle with it, that’s okay, but don’t post about it so people will feel sorry for you - being single, how their heart is broken, and always posting the same old sad, sorry, trite posts about “loving yourself,” picking yourself back up, people who "don't know your value," astrological signs, blah, blah, blah.

They are always posting this stuff simply for sympathetic attention. And to be completely blunt, as harsh as it will sound, I honestly get sick of these chicks and all their emotional bullshit. And we will sit there and tolerate it while publicly executing men for showing one drop of their hurt or heartache.

Females On Social Media Are Trash

I’ve also found over the years that an enormous number of these types of girls are not as innocent as you may think or as they may portray themselves to be. A lot of them really are the real definition of ‘sluts’: they sleep with guy after guy in the hopes that one of them will love them and they end up getting used, or having a kid from it, or they slept with some other woman’s man and the whole thing got nasty, so some of these chicks will post a bunch of sappy shit without giving you the full details of what really happened, in the hopes that others will give her sympathy or some guy out there will see that she’s a “good girl” and will want her. I actually know some females like this personally too.

They are not as innocent as they want you and I to think but are actually dealing with karma from some shit they did or a bad choice they made, and deep down they feel guilty about it, that’s why they put up sad quotes about not feeling loved, the need to love yourself, or stuff about “haters” as a way to put blame on them and not themselves. Believe me when I say that a lot of this type of stuff these girls post is often the result of her sleeping with someone or getting involved with someone she knows she shouldn't.

Females On Social Media Are Trash

Do not be fooled, truly decent women don’t air their feelings day and night to get support and sympathy. And they already love themselves without needing to post about it every damn day either. They also will post content with actual substance or post things to make their page like a colorful scrapbook of their lives. Those are the women to pay attention to.

Not talking to people

This is the second most disgusting thing about social media whores, not responding to people who message them. And it’s actually even worse if they did in the beginning but over time they stop talking because they, again, want to create an illusion of celebrity as if they’re way too important to chat with anyone. They also turn off their read receipts and active status so that you can’t know they’ve read your message - and they do read messages, they just won’t respond. A lot of people, mostly guys, love saying the reason these women don’t reply is because they get so many messages from hungry guys or even both guys and girls, but honestly this is absolute bullshit. I’ll tell you why:

If you come across one of these women or “influencers” as they’re still growing in popularity and maybe you like something they posted or like their page period, and you send them a message, they actually will respond to you, and maybe have a conversation with you a little bit. I’ve experienced this in the past with a few. IRLrosie (Rosie Okumora) was one of them. When she was still coming up on Instagram I used to message her about how she did her super funny voice art videos, and we would have light convos about it and about her band Moderns, but then one day she stopped responding altogether. And she wasn’t the only one.

Females On Social Media Are Trash

Some people will make the excuse that these chicks stop talking because they’re getting big and can’t reply to everyone. Not true. Even with their 100k followers they are not nearly as big or have as heavy of a schedule as a bona fide Hollywood star like Chris Evans or Zendaya. These are just women posting selfies or making funny videos in their bedrooms or on the L.A. street, how busy can they possibly be? They use silence as a way of manipulating your mind into believing that they are that big or being bombed with that many messages - and they might get lots of sexual ones or “Hi,” but none of this is still a reason to disregard all other ones that are not related to something sexual. Even if all you wanted to know is what was on her plate in the restaurant she was at, what catchy song she used in her video and now you can’t get it out of your head, or how she made some particular effect, there honestly is no excuse for ignoring everybody.

Females On Social Media Are Trash

Another reason this isn’t true is because I also follow several women who are artists, because art is my hobby too and I love their work. They have wayyyy more followers than I do and some of them are from other countries, yet they will still message me, reply to my messages, and even watch my stories. Some of them are doing their art as an actual career and have wonderful pages displaying all their work, spending their time on this, yet they do not think they’re too important to notice you or speak.

Bottomline: the women who actively won’t respond to messages are the ones who want to excessively display themselves with a celebrity complex, and want you to think they’re that important, even if all they have is 3,000 followers. They are doing it to keep attention only on them, and believe giving any to you is beneath them or that it will go to your head. But the ones who have actual interests like traveling, cuisine, art, photography, etc. are generally not going to think of themselves as big stars who don’t talk to anyone, even if they do have 70k followers.

Females On Social Media Are Trash

If you’re some guy who’s looking for a girlfriend or whatever, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment by continually validating these empty chicks. The women who are more likely to message you back are those with actual substance on their pages. But even then, you shouldn’t be trying to message every girl on social media.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to wanting attention

Most of us have social media on one platform or another. But it’s about how you use it and what you want out of it. A lot of chicks use it merely for attention, that’s what they want out of it. I can’t tell them what to do or how to live their lives, but what I can say is when you come across these girls you can clearly see there’s nothing else going on there. It’s crucial to understand that for a lot of modern females, they link importance with attention: the more attention and glorification they receive, the more they believe it is equal to them mattering or being important, even when they offer nothing of importance and do not show us any real impressive skills or depth of character.

Females On Social Media Are Trash
Females On Social Media Are Trash
Post Opinion