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myTakes: Trending & News

That Moment When You Need an Emotional Support Peacock In Order to Fly...

You most definitely read the title right. Apparently a passenger wanted to board a United flight with her emotional support animal, except said animal, was a peacock named Dexter. According to the Post, "the peacock’s...

Dating Buzzwords Terminology Guide: 11 Dating Trends You Need To Watch Out For

Dating Buzzwords And Their Terminology #Firedoored Being firedoored means one person provides all of the effort , attention and affection to the other, but it's not reciprocated. Just like an emergency firedoor is...

Abercrombie & Fitch Is Releasing Gender-Neutral Clothing Line for Kids Called "Everybody Collection"

Right on the heels of Target deciding to make a gender neutral toy aisle in 2015 and gender neutral room decor, Abercrombie & Fitch has decided to release a gender neutral clothing line called the Everybody Collection ....

An open letter to those who think eating Tide Pods is ok

Lately there’s been this meme about Tide Pods being edible. Tide pods are a laundry detergent not a snack. So if you don’t like what I’m getting ready to say feel free to delete me. If you really believe eating tide pods...

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day

January 11th is the day every year where awareness for human trafficking and sexual slavery is recognised. Millions of people worldwide are enslaved and as each year passes it gets worse. This day was made to increase...

"Hey, Underoos!" Why Tom Holland is the Best Spiderman Yet

I must admit when I heard Spiderman was going to appear in Captain America: Civil War, I was super excited about it. Then I heard there was going to be a new actor playing spiderman and it would be Tom Holland. I knew who...

Some Popular Tweets of 2017

Just some Tweets that were Popular in 2017, there are obviously millions of tweets that were popular and that I didn't include. Katy Perry becoming the first person to reach 100 million twitter followers.. to be honest,...

2017 in a Short Review!

Here are just a few that I can remember, obviously would've left out quite a lot of others! These are based on the events that Google search shows and from my prior knowledge as the so called top topics, so obviously many...

Trump Is Selling the USA For More Money

Prohibiting CDC to use certain words certainly IS giving pharmaceutical companies permission to sell whatever they want to the American people without having to explain why they're selling it or even if the people...

Eminem Raps About White Privilege And Racial Profiling in "Untouchable" Song

A week ahead of dropping his Revival album, Eminem addresses White privilege once again on his new song "Untouchable." Also on Thursday, he unveiled the album cover for Revival, which shows him burying his head in his...

Ask Yourself: Is Time Magazine Just Trying To Play To Both 'Politicized' Sides Of The Sexual Assault System

As you all must know by now the People of the Me Too movement were named Time Magazine's 'person of the year'. Now...the second person - the runner up so to say - was Donald Trump, the president of the United States who...

Should 'Sleeping Beauty' Be Banned For Encouraging Inappropriate Behavior?

One mother from the UK seems to think so. The Newcastle Chronicle says mom Sarah Hall feels the book promotes an inappropriate sexual message since it tells children it's okay to kiss a woman while she's asleep. She...

Melanie Martinez Accused of Rape!

Melanie's former friend Timothy Heller accused Melanie of raping her. Timothy said she never meant to reveal who did it, but she realized it's time to be upfront and just say it, so she Tweeted this: She released this...

Does this teen look exactly like Jennifer Lawrence?

If Hunger Games' hard-working actress J-Law needs a day off, her replacement is ready. 17 years-old model Alexia Maier is called Jennifer Lawrence's doppelganger these days. When I saw her pictures, honestly I thought...

Barbadian Government Gave Rihanna's Name To The Street Where She Used To Live 🇧🇧

Rihanna could be one of the most successful names in the music history. Besides her musical talents, she is a great symbol of her home country, Barbados. At every turn, Rihanna emphasizes her Barbadian origin and her...

Apologies to the LGBTQ+ Community: Is It Really Necessary?

Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made headlines by delivering an emotional filled apology to all members of the Canadian LGBTQ+ community for past discrimination and wrongdoing they endured. People around the world...

2017's Highest Earning Model: Kendall Jenner

I am gonna talk about the current biggest social media icon and richest person using this fame. The name is easy to mention, Kendall Jenner. Last year, Gisele Bündchen was entitled as the world's highest paid model by...

19 November - World Toilet Day

Hello @GirlsAskGuys Community, World Toilet Day (WTD) is an official United Nations international observance day, celebrated on 19 November to raise awareness of the global sanitation crisis. This is done through...

November 18 - Princess Day

Hello G@G community, Rolling out the red carpet on November 18, Princess Day recognizes every girl deserves some PAGEANTRY in their lives no matter their age. After all, each one is a Princess in someone's eyes....

Texas Driver Arrested Over Profane Anti-Trump Message on Truck

And there she is, the window decal that caused such a stir in Fort Bend county in Texas, especially after the driver was arrested by a local sheriff named Nehls who claims he only sought to discuss the foul language with...