It’s myTake so get over it!

It’s MYtake so get over it.

Hello my fellow GAGers. In the short time I’ve been a member I have encountered a lot of people and a lot of views. Some nice, some mean, and others that are absolute scum. Recently I disawoved a myTake I had written titled “Newsflash: Women are bigots, hypocrites, and sexist as well!” I received both a lot of praise and a lot of backlash due to the opinions I’ve shared.

Most of the backlash came from women who clearly viewed me as a disgrace to the female gender and a lot of them were pissed over my views on the word “slut.” These are clearly women who think “slut shaming” is something bad, (as if a slut is something praiseworthy?) Keep in mind that was merely one small insignificant paragraph that was simply an accessory statement to the overall point.

Thinking adults would have already developed sufficient comprehension skills is clearly giving too much credit to the people (in my experience, the women) of GAG. Every woman who had something negative to say missed the point in all its entirety. Their focus was on that one small word that obviously hits home for most of these “ladies.” I found myself disingenuously apologizing to these crazies and admitting being at fault, when there was no fault present.

I was so tired of having to repeatedly explain a simple concept to such simple people that I started telling them I’d be more conscientious of my own biases, and would keep personal opinions to myself.

I’m here to tell you today, that’s not going to happen, it hasn’t yet and it probably never will. The whole purpose of myTake is to share MY opinion, My views, and yes MY bias on a subject. If you don’t like it, write something of your own. I’m not going to apologize for using a take to it’s fullest potential. If you hate me for it, so be it. If you want to write something nasty, by all means! I don’t need to acknowledge your presence and give you the validation you so desperately crave. So here’s a big F***K you to all that have a problem with me. And on that note, have a wonderful day. :)

It’s myTake so get over it!
Post Opinion