Why do you think Masculine Guys go for Feminine Women?

PrincessPie s
.. And Masculine Women go for Feminine Men and visa versa, i don't know if anyone has noticed this but i notice that the more Manly/Masculine a guy is the more Feminine Woman he is attracted to or attracts, and the more Masculine a Woman is she tends to be more attracted to Feminine type guys? basically opposite ends of the spectrum.

When i say a Masculine or Feminine Woman/Man i don't mean that they act like the opposite gender, i just mean of there personality, appearance, traits and dress sense.
Has anyone else noticed this if so why do you think this is?
Why do you think Masculine Guys go for Feminine Women?

Why do you think Masculine Guys go for Feminine Women?
Why do you think Masculine Guys go for Feminine Women?
45 Opinion