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myTakes: Family & Friends

A second look at the role mothers play in developing mentally unstable men.

We've all probably heard of 'Joker' and I've got to be honest I think the movie is pretty great. Here's why, it perfectly addresses the growing disturbing lives of men of younger generations, and the twisted parenting of...

I’m done, and I'm sorry.

. You taught me that what I want isn’t important. That what everyone else wants should always be first. I feel selfish for caring about my own mental health when there are dozens of people that I could try to help. You...

It's Okay To Live At Home In Your 20s.

Introduction: I am writing this myTake after a brief conversation I had with my girlfriend last night. I am 28 years old, and I will be 29 in a few days. I recently moved out of my parents' house and got my own place....

The excitement over the forthcoming 400th anniversary of the first Thanksgiving and what the F parts I like are

This upcoming Thanksgiving will be the 401st all-time Thanksgiving. The 400th anniversary of the 1st Thanksgiving in 1619 and here is a website to celebrate it and will discuss the F parts I like about Thanksgiving:...

A summary of the twelve gifts of birth.

I saw this at the library and it was far too interesting to pass up. I was going to find a way to post this as a question but there were 12 so what this will be is listing the books 12 gifts of birth and brief sentence or...

Can we take a moment do discuss touch culture?

I’m not talking about sexual touching for a moment, I’m talking about touching in general. Some cultures are more touch friendly than others while others are less. Unfortunately I belong to one of those cultures that’s...

10 Reasons Why I Hate Living At Home

So before I get started I just want to tell all the bootlickers to fuck off as if I could move out I would but I can't 😑. Let's begin 1) Lack Of Respect If you don't know me and haven't read of my plight before, I...

Rolling Through Life. What Roles Do You Play?

As the years pass I become painstakingly aware of certain things. It just so happens that this is what has recently became clear to me. Please if you or a family or friend feel lost, I urge you to take the moment to...

Why a woman doesn't want her male family members choosing her boyfriend

OK, it may seem obvious to you that a woman wouldn't want that, but a 31 year old native-born American woman recently wondered aloud here on GAG if she should do that. I don't know how serious she is about that, but this...

The Funeral For Miss ‘Mica

I moved into my current home at the end of July, 2018. At present, I am renting because my life is in flux and I don’t want to be restrained by owning a home. When I moved in, I met two cats who were already living on...

Keeping Rabbits for Meat and Manure #3 - how to look after Your Stock

Considering what a pest shitters can be, it's amazing when you think about how fragile they actually are. I am going to list some things I've known that has caused them illness or to die. 1) Ear mites. Ear mites are a...

I have some tricky feelings about my parents... When I was growing up, I told my mum that I would NEVER stop loving her and I was stuck to her like glue. While I was growing up, I told my dad that I [_B_L_A_N_K_] I never...

Being A Loner: The Brighter Side

I dunno why being a loner is mostly seen as a bad thing. I have been a loner for a considerable amount of time (after I was done with being Mr. Popular). Surprisingly, I grew more popular when I became a loner. By...

Do you hate your parents too?

I used to love my mother but i always hated my father. He was abusive. An alcoholic and drug addict, but that's not why he treated me like shit. He has serious mental issues. I know this sounds bad but i spent my...

The worst day of my life

One of my best friends died on July 31th I've never had anyone significant in my life die before. I have no idea what to do or how to grasp this concept. I am alternating between numbness and waves of emotion. Over the...

Why I Am A Strict Follower of Bros Before Hoes

Here are 5 important reasons why I am a strict bros before hoes follower. 1. Hanging Out With My Bros are Low Risk, High Reward From my experience, hanging out with my bros offers me reward with little to no risk....

The Moms Of Incels: How Incels Are Made!

Clever title, right (cause' you know, mom's literally grow babies from scratch--😂😌)? This message is not one to be fucked around with: girls in your 20's, this is real talk. It could happen to you. Any of your sons...

I'm not sure if people rely on me or that they pretend to care...

I'm sure this is just my current insecurity, I have it a number of times where out of nowhere I start to question if the people around me actually feel like they need me in the friend group, I suppose it's just the fear...

Why people tend to find me laid back

A lot of the time, it isn't anything to do with me not actually being angry but rather that I can't be bothered to go to the effort of having a dispute and argue with people which could even result in physical fights. A...

A Journal of parting words from a father that could not speak them

I did an exercise; I wrote a journal that my dad could have written. The first paragraph is very close to his thoughts and feelings. In fact, he said most of them verbally in his suffering. I was tempted to make this...