myTakes: Girl's Behavior

10 Questions Guys Have Always Wanted Women To Answer

This shortened list is hailing from "Thought Catalog." So what do you want to know? 1. After thousands of years, why haven’t you realized that we don’t pick up on subtle hints? Blame it on society! Yes! Women...

What it's like being a maladaptive daydreamer

First here is the definition: "What Is Maladaptive Daydreaming? Sometimes known as daydreaming disorder, maladaptive daydreaming describes a condition where a person regularly experiences daydreams that are intense and...

Tired of guys blaming ME FOR EVERYTHING. All of them. now I don’t date

They always just want me to just accept that they’re gonna vape or they’re not lying (when they are and I always find out later, like one said he had a driver license and he didn’t), or that they’re gonna work 80 hours a...

The curse of being beautiful

I was blessed with beauty from the moment I was born and what I learned about it; is that I would get many haters of all types-left and right, up, down and all around. It didn't matter if I was the extremely kind girl...

I am NOT defined by my Scars "A Survivors Account"

Caution is advised, continue at your own risk. It is not going to be pretty. Rape is a horrible crime perpetrated against men and women , that has a life long effect on its victims, long after the legal system is...

How I was able to get through my Haphephobia: Fear of a mans touch! While living in that super hot apartment for my first year of college, my roommates wanted to set me up with someone that they thought would be the perfect match. I was terrified,...

What makes you feel more disrespect for myself with having a learning disability?

Hi, my name is Candace and here to talk about what I find disrespect online and offline . We shouldn't judge a book by a cover for people with a learning disability they all have to tell their story. If people just listen...

I'm Not Physically Attracted to Him, But I Have Some Feelings For My Friend. Could It Be a Phase or True Feelings?

I'm 21 years old, and I'm a Junior in College. Most of you know what I look like, while most of you might not. I will include a recent picture of myself image the end of this MyTake. On campus, my co workers and friends...

The Many Many Mes

When i have kids, I hope to have little Mini-Mes. But today I’m going to talk about the Many Mes. Well not really haha. I did that before in a past mytake where i mentioned im DizzyDesii, used to be DesiDoo, occasionally...

I’m different, and that’s ok

I have autism. I got diagnosed when I was 12. In December, I believe. I’ve come a long way, and I’m proud of that! Growing up, I used to be really shy. Now I’m making an effort to reach out and make new friends. That’s a...

Dogs are overrated in 'most' cases : Waste of time and money!

Why are people so obsessed with selfish animals? Be it expensive retrievers? ' Unconditional love' from dogs is a very misleading concept, only fools believe. You give it food, shelter, toys, entertainment, time and...

16 memes girls may or may not agree too.

1. The worse thing! Its like wait. Hold up. 2. Pretty much......well depends. 3. Definitely not about that me. 4. Like...its cute. But no. 5. Me and my bestie everytime.......lowkey. 6. Thats a negative....

Why being a tall girl is great!...And sometimes sucky!

So you've made it to my first MyTake (hi hope you're doing well and feeling loved!) origianlly i was just planning on moaning about the shortcomings of being tall but had a change of heart and will do some positive's and...

Why being attractive as a girl isn't all that it seems

I wanted to do this myTake for a while. For this myTake, im talking about the average pretty girl, not the celebrity type. And yes, i get that there may be some benefits to being attractive (ie possibly more boyfriends,...

6 Things Girls won't tell you.

I've seen this before so here's myTake on 6 things girls won't tell you. 1. Girls actually like fixing your hair. I know guys sometimes think that girls would like their hair nice with gel, and stuff but really, most of...

Being Ideal vs Wanting To Improve

Knowing everything Vs. Wanting to know more Yes, some people just think they know it all, they have it all figured it out and they basially try to outshine every perspective of yours even if you state facts, JUST BECAUSE...

Personal Views #1 Respect

PEOPLE I DON'T RESPECT PERSONALLY : Some of you might wonder why I'm making this take. Am I picking a fight? No, not exactly. I'm just clarifying it on my end, some arguments so that when I state something along these...

I know plenty of Men... (Player Version)

Dear G@Gers ! I knew that there will be requests after the last MyTake I know plenty of Women ... (Money Version) And I want to make things clear, I'm a feminist, but i'm not a radical extremist (Being radical in general...

I know plenty of Women... (Money Version)

Hello my sweet friends, my G@G mood is rather funny lately, let me tell you why.... MEN and more MEN on G@G insist on generalizing women on so many OH SO MANY THINGS, they literally stand their ground about what they...
Home Chats

The Truth About Being a Pretty Single Girl #SadGirlDiaries

Yes it’s another rant. I think I’m going to make this a series (after all, I am a writer). If you’re sick of hearing about my love life you don’t really have to read on. I’m wondering if any other girls feel this way too?...