myTakes: Relationships

There is No Excuse for Not Being There When You Need it the Most.

This is one of the topics that made me surprised in my current relationship. He is always there whenever I need him. I am also there for him. Before him, I used to think that it was okay if my partner refused to be there...
ventustalks a

If you are not aligned with your partner, leave. You're wasting your time.

A popular misconception about life is that love conquers all and that you can get through anything together. I'm here to tell you that is not true. At all. Can't decide where to live? One person wants kids but the other...

Let People Walk Out of Your Life

There are a lot of people who believe that any and every situation can be worked out if you choose to stay/fight for a relationship be it with a partner or with family or friends, but this should not always be the case...

These Are The Red Flags When You Lose Them Slowly And You Don't Even Realize

1. They are no more Interest to your text Or your feelings when You discuss anything They Avoid it 2. You become second Priority for them 3. They will talk to you When They want,When they are free Completly, when they...

Remembering my Heartbreak. (Warning: Sad venting)

So me and a friend were chatting today and he gave me videos of songs, asking me who the best singer was. We share music often, no big deal. But the last song he shared was very sad, about having to say goodbye and not...

Break-ups suck... even after it becomes routine

Yes, I feel like break-ups have become a routine thing for myself. And I'm talking about friendships too, not just relationships. I think what really makes it suck, is the grief that comes with knowing we invested so much...

The Myth Of Biological Clock

THE MYTH OF BIOLOGICAL CLOCK Biological clocks are very much real. As much as I want to reset the human history of evolution, I can't. They are just not that important. Why? Because there's 8 friggin billion of...

The transforming journey from being single to being in a relationship

“No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main” John Donne as much as some of us like to think that we can live as lone wolves, we can’t block or avoid interactions with...

What makes you a sexist?

I have all this vast dating experiences as a hetro-sexual male. Essentially, all my experiences in the dating world have been with woman, and all personal knowledge has been gained from the male perspective with woman....

He wants a woman! Three signs that she's a real woman.

If you want to know if you're the woman men want and girls want to be, then consider these three signs of womanhood. 1 Strength. A powerful woman isn't what modern society tells you. It's not being rude, or the "boss" in...

Do you know what love actually is?

Love is said to be many things by many different people. Some say love is familiarity with a person, to the degree that you don't want to be apart. Some confuse love with lust. Some even think that love is their desire to...

The 4 Pillars of Marriage & Long-term Relationships

In order of IMHO most important to least: KIDS-MONEY-SEX and IN-LAWS These four items will make or break your marriage or your long-term relationship. As each items interlinked to each other. Take for example KIDS - Do...

When to say I love you.

Saying I love you too early in a relationship can scare away the person you're with. So follow this rule of thumb for I love you. The House Method. Building a relationship is like building a house. You start with a basic...

3 responsibilities men and women each have in a relationship.

Hey guys, quick important topic I'm going to be talking about. In any relationship it is incredibly important to remember that men and women both have a responsibility to each other. I'm going to share with you three very...

What is love, and why are we so confused by it?

Love by definition, is a feeling of deep affection in something that brought you interest and pleasure. If you were to ask me how many times I have been in love, honestly, I would say 16 different times. Why would I say...

[Humans.. Stars…Circles]

Look, what I’m gonna tell you is that you can be comfortable just how you are, where you are, and not even worry about it. And I don’t mean this as far as hobbies goes- those should always be proactive. Even refreshing...

Ways to Communicate Effectively in Relationships

Ways to Communicate Effectively in Relationships As we all know, relationships can be challenging, and communication is one of the most critical aspects that can make or break a relationship. Misunderstandings,...
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I went from preferring men to be older than me to liking younger boys now - discussing how my taste has changed over the years

I’m 24, turning 25 this year (in fact this month) and my whole life I always thought I liked older men. I had a long term relationship from 15-23 with a boy almost six years older than me. I was so proud of it because...

What men really want in a relationship?

1. Men seek honesty Men want to trust their partners and they want that trust reciprocated. If you ever think to yourself that there is something you don't really want to say, and he doesn't really need to know, or it's...

Why rejection is a good thing!

Well I'm on a two hour train ride ... so let's do a myTake. (On my phone, without my research and after years of not writing any myTakes.. may I add) (Plus additional info: I'm going to stop proofreading and stop changing...