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myTakes: Relationships

How important are looks in dating and marriage relationships. Obviously, looks matter. Otherwise, models and movie stars wouldn’t be exceptionally attractive. By early teens most learn the level of looks they can attract. 3s know they...

How to spot a sexual predator: 8 signs you need to watch out for

Sexual crime and violence is on the rise and it is important to stay safe and stay vigilant. Sexual predators come in all shapes and sizes, you are never able to tell what they look like regardless of race, class, social...

When Love Turns to Hate

Well I don’t actually hate anyone... Just the things that we’ve done... It turns from games to lame til its just no longer fun... They say love is a battlefield but whats a war thats never won? 🎶 And what wasn't won was...

Why people end up depressed and miserable - Bible talk

I realized today, that I’ve been a terribly bad friend, because I kept talking about myself and not asking others questions so they can talk about themselves. Relationships are about giving, appreciating, serving, loving...

Trying to Let Go of the Past

I'm in the mood for writing. It won't be anything special, but I was just reminded of someone from long ago by a question that someone else asked, and once again I'm feeling very nostalgic. The past; how do we let go of...

A word of caution to parents

Hi everyone, I haven't posted in a while, and while a lot has happened, the thing I want to share with you all the most is a word of caution when it comes to raising your kids and the way you treat them as they grow up....

Surviving Heartbreaks: Tips To Heal A Broken Heart

Heartbreaks? What in the world is that? How could someone possibly “break” your heart? Well, it does happen to everyone at some point in our lives. This is not something that is exclusive to just romantic relationships....

Multicultural love. Were you a romantic child? Did your first sustained crush shape your future choices?

I find that my school life as a child was funny and a little crazy but great. I remember writing love letters at the age of like 5 or 6 to a little Muslim boy with a bowl hair cut "I like you" 😂 I would let my...

The one thing men want in women - it’s not beauty

The one thing guys want in woman is not beauty or wealth or charm or youth but loyalty and trust and emotional loyalty to him. A woman that does not cheat is more attractive than a supermodel with an Ivy League brain....

Some reasons why victims have a hard time leaving their abuser, or reasons why some people seek abusive partners...

* Buckle up, this is going to be fairly long and full of information. * Hi, I'm sure you've seen me around or read my opinions I have posted on some questions, I have talked briefly about my past experiences. That is one...

"Men aren't meant to be monogamous, it's not in their nature"...True statement or bull excuse?

This Mytake was originally meant to be posted as a question based off a recent conversation I had with someone(if you can call it that 🙄) (I've also seen some guys say that on here) I realize there's points I want to...
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Live your life and be a good human being.

I'm gonna be really honest here. I don't even really know why anymore. Ut I really hated my life growing up. I was an only child. My parents relationship was so intense. They'd love each other so passionately and the...

What this movie series taught me about love

So those of you who monitor my activity know I’m always talking about this movie, and it’s not necessarily because I think the characters are exceptional, even though they are decent. It’s mainly because I do not have...

To Love Or To Be In Love

How many significant others would you say you’ve been IN LOVE with versus how many you just LOVED? #FeelFreeToList in the comments below. And please share how you came to know the difference....

Why Would You Move In With Someone Who Can't Adult?

This question came from a viral Reddit post in in which a woman wanted to know if she was in the wrong for refusing to move in with her boyfriend unless he learned some life skills on his own. She said , "I'm 20F, my...

Men in relationships, when are you going to stop liking other women’s Instagram photographs!

I thought I’d put out there my opinion on this. Hopefully some women will relate and some boys that act in this way will realise how it makes their partner feel. I really don’t understand what level of thought process...

MyTake on Polyamorous Relationships

:D Hi, this is my first MyTake, and I have been seeing more and more Poly relationships, and to be honest, I have no problem with it, although I find some quite confusing. If I describe something wrong, or your poly...

The dream that changed my outlook on life

Yesterday, I had a dream about a man who I went through a mutual breakup with two years ago. I thought I was over what could have been - and then that dream forced me to compare my current partner with this man, who has...

People on GAG seem to think men are solely visual creatures but I disagree. I think it depends in the person.

I feel like I had put up with so much shit from my first boyfriend for years because I found him so irresistibly adorable. It may just be that I am a highly visual woman and appreciate aesthetics and beautiful things a...

Does the Number of sexual partners really matter

Since joining a few days ago I've seen this question a lot. Seems people here on GAG are kind of obsessed about this. I thought I would give a shot at my first mytake on this subject. *Disclaimer, just giving it a shot....
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