[Humans.. Stars…Circles]

Look, what I’m gonna tell you is that you can be comfortable just how you are, where you are, and not even worry about it. And I don’t...
0 5

I went from preferring men to be older than me to liking younger boys now - discussing how my taste has changed over the years

I’m 24, turning 25 this year (in fact this month) and my whole life I always thought I liked older men. I had a long term relationship...
6 16

What men really want in a relationship?

1. Men seek honesty Men want to trust their partners and they want that trust reciprocated. If you ever think to yourself that there is...
17 31

Why rejection is a good thing!

Well I'm on a two hour train ride ... so let's do a myTake. (On my phone, without my research and after years of not writing any...
6 22

When you and your SO have a disagreement or conflict, what's more important: deciding who is at fault or getting the problem resolved?

Not many couples actually put on boxing gloves and spar or "duke it out," but most couples recognize the feeling in this picture....
17 28

Dopamine VS Oxytocin... How do these enzymes affect relationships the most among the four happiness chemicals?

Happiness in the human brain is translated chemically through four enzymes: Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and endorphins. yet the two...
2 4

How To Set A Romantic Dinner Table for Your Partner

You've got a good flirtation going and things are getting better and better. You think it's finally the right time for the big day and...
1 8

My boyfriend is always changing behaviour what to do?

My boyfriend and I have been together for four months. When we see eachother he always acts interested in me but after that in the last...

My boyfriend said I complain too much. What does he want me to do, stop talking?

I have been under a lot of stress lately. Almost everyday there is a new problem arises, and I have to solve them by myself. My friends...
11 25

How to deal with an adhd boyfriend?

I think my boyfriend has adhd. He keeps doing new stuff without finishing the other and gets distracted easily. Sometimes it is hard to...

Are you prone to get into intense or toxic relationships?

It was not toxic for me, but I only ever catch feelings with intense men, who cause intense emotional reactions from me. For example, I...

Who would you rather be with?

I'm not just talking about looks with attraction. They could look good but they're personality could have flaws that would push others...
3 2

Is insecurity a turn off?

Sometimes, I have my insecurity moments in my relationship. She is my first real girlfriend at age 29. I am her first serious...
1 4

How true is this statement, "The right woman will love you for who you are, not what you have"?

I would begin this by saying i think its very true. My wife is like that.
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Do I love him or just comfortable?

I’m in a relationship and we been together for 5 months. Like at the beginning of our relationship I couldn’t stop thinking about him....
1 3

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Are Alpha Males better lovers?

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There are two types of long distance relationships: 1. When you meet, you live near each other, you begin a relationship, and then...
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